Contents (Posts):

Recitations For Becoming Rich

Memorizing Verses Of Quran With The Help Of Modern Technology


Salat Istikhara

Leather socks (khuffs) for easiness in wuzu

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An intelligent person is the one who recognizes his real CREATOR, and not the one who himself creates his Creators from stones.


Memorizing Verses Of Quran With The Help Of Modern Technology

Although the technological gadgets come with a lots of features, which distract a Muslim from his good deeds, but at the same time, these might be very helpful if used in a practical and a fruitful way.

In this post, I thought of sharing my own experience of how I learnt the few verses of Surah Kahf. In fact this era is full of fitnah and everywhere you see some or the other mischief in this world. The fitnah of Dajjal (Anti-Christ) may not be far enough from today's world. When I read a few Hadith, I got to know that prophet Muhammad pbuh has advised to memorize the first and last 10 verses of Surah Kahf (Chapter 12) from the Holy Quran, so as to be safe from the fitnah of the Masiah-al-Dajjal. Hence I decided not to wait till Dajjal appears, to start memorizing these verses by heart. Thus I started to search for MP3 file for this Surah, and found a good website, from which I could listen to more than 20 different Qaris (reciters) to choose from.

This website is:

After listening to the recitations of different people, I selected the recitation of one of them (I suggest you to listen to different recitations for the first time, so as to select which tone pleases you. And for doing this better choose a small Surah like 'Surah Kausar' as this is small and its MP3-file can be downloaded fastly). Once selection is done, I downloaded the free MP3 file of this Surah and copied this into my MP3 Player (Stick) and my Cellphone. Since this surah contains about 110 verses in it, I thought of selecting only the required verses. And for doing so, I downloaded a free software named 'Audacity'. Using this software I was able to cut only the required vereses from this big file (ripping/cutting takes some practice and patience). Then after I started listening to this file in my free time, etc from my mobile-phone, and I was able to catch the tune, but this time not with the words. Although I was able to catch the words but didn't have the reference to check for the alphabets in those verses. For reference, you can either use a camera and take pictures of this surhas from the Quran, or you can download an Arabic Qurab app into your phone. Thus, after installation of a mobile App for Quran, I would see this text from the image and start reading this along with the audio being played in my gadget. Thus after repeatedly listening to this audio, alhamdulillaah I was able to memorize it very easily without any problem. Of course, this is practical!

Other Suggestions:

1. In an MP3 stick, there would be a button named as "A-B". Using this button, only a specific selected part of the audio file can be repeated. So, instead of listening to the complete file and repeating it again, only one verse can also be repeatedly listened. Thus every time one verse is memorized, we can start listening to the other verse.

2. If you want to play it in a PC, although some media-players have the option of playing only the selected part repeatedly, but you can even cut all the required verses separately, instead as a chunk. Thus by numbering them properly and keeping it in a separate folder, the complete folder can be played or only the selected file can be played. And we can even make a playlist of the selected verses to be listened.

3. I burned a CD with the last 20 Surahs, since these are smaller surahs. Thus whenever I go in a car, I can put this in the player, and I am able to repeat a surah, so as to memorize it, and even kids in my family are able to memorize it thus.

4. I listened to many recitations, but I felt the recitation of "Mishari Rashid al Afasy" to be better in terms of his speed, tone, etc. So, this is just my personal opinion, and you are free to choose.

5. Apart from just the Surahs, there are lot more things that need to be memorized. If you don't remember any duaas, then you can do similar way of copying the mp3 format of the required duas, and keep memorizing them too - for example, duaas like 'before eating something', 'after eating something', 'dua for cure from fever', 'dua for protection from enemies', 'due for entering toilet', etc.

MP3 Downloadable Files: Insha-Allaah, I shall be shortly uploading the MP3 files of first and last verses of Surah Kahf, which I have cut; so that you need not do this processing again.

ALTERNATIVE: In case if you are unable to find the MP3 files of the required text, then the best way would be to recite it by yourself. Just recite the verses/dua and record this voice using your MP3-Player/Cellphone/PC-Microphone. Then you can keep listening it repeatedly so as to get it memorized.

Disclaimer: I hope that you are aware of the respect given to the Quran. I have not documented here about that you should not talk unnecessarily while recitation is being played, etc. . . .


Three Steps Of Performing Tayammum


(This is a compilation from different sources, and not just from the author's own knowledge . So, please consult an Islamic scholar for more details).

If there is no access to water, or if water can't be used due to health concerns, etc, then Tayammum can be performed for doing salaath (namaaz) instead of doing wuzu (ablution). There are only 3 simple steps in doing tayammum, but many Muslims do not remember it, as it is not performed very regularly. So, these 3 simple steps can be memorized and can be taught to others too.

How to perform Tayammum?


Recite “Bismillahirrahmanirahim” and make Niyat (intention) of tayammum whether for Wuzu or for Ghusl. (The niyat need not be said through mouth, but just making decision in the mind should also be enough.)


Strike both hands on clean earth (or other permissible item). Rub both the hands on the complete face (as in wuzu).


Again strike both hands on the permissible item. Rub the left hand over complete right hand. Then rub the right hand over complete left hand.

The tayammum is now complete.

What is Tayammum?

To get rid of Najaasate Hukumiyya by making use of clean earth or clay in a special way is called TAYAMMUM. Tayammum is permitted when water is not available or when the use of water is injurious to health.

Tayammum is permitted in the following cases:
  1. When water is not available within a radius of approximately 1.7 kilometres.
  2. When there is fear of an enemy or a dangerous animal or a snake is near the water.
  3. When the water is so little that, if the water is used up for wuzu or ghusl then there is fear of thirst.
  4. When there is no rope or bucket to draw water from a well or one cannot reach water that is nearby (due to some reason) and no other person is available to fetch the water.
  5. When it is known by ones own experience or a capable doctor says that the use of water would definitely be injurious to ones health.
  6. When one does not have sufficient amount of money to pay for water which is being sold.
  7. If water is sold at a very ridiculous price.
  8. One is at a place where there is no water. He himself guesses or someone tells him that water is available within approximately one mile. It will now be necessary to fetch water and perform wuzu.
  9. It will not be necessary to fetch water if: (1) There is no trace of water, (2) No one is present to give information regarding water, (3) It is believed that water will be found after a distance of approximately l mile or more.
  10. If so little water is available that a person can only carry out the four Faraaiz of wuzu, then tayammum is not permissible.
  11. If something naaajis had fallen on the ground or sand etc. it is not permissible to use that earth for tayammum even if it dries up. But namaaz on that place is permissible after it has become dry.
  12. lf there is very little water and one is in need of ghusl or wuzu and his clothes and body is also naajis (naapaak) what should one do? First, one should wash off the najaasat from one’s body and clothes and then do tayammum.

What are the Faraaiz (Compulsory Acts of) Tayammum?

There are three faraaid of tayammum:

  1. Niyyat (intention).
  2. Striking both hands on earth and rubbing them on the face.
  3. Striking both hands on earth and rubbing both forearms including the elbows.
What are the Items on which Tayammum is permitted?
  • Taahir (clean) earth.
  • Sand.
  • Stone.
  • Limestone.
  • Baked earthen pots (Unglazed/Without polish and paints).
  • Walls of mud, stone or brick.
  • Clay.
  • All items which have thick dust on them.

What are the Items on which Tayammum is not permitted?

  • Wood.
  • Metal.
  • Glass.
  • Food items.
  • All items, which burn to ash, rot or melt.
Other considerable points
  • Tayammum can be valid as an alternative to both ghusl and wuzu, depending upon Niyat.
  • No space should be left on the skin while rubbing, even of the size of the thickness of a hair. The rubbing of hand should include elbow to fingers. In case a ring is worn in the finger, even the space beneath the ring should be rubbed.
  • Any number of namaaz can be performed by one tayammum as long as it does not break.
  • Tayammum done for Farz Namaaz will be valid for Nafl, for reading the Holy Quran, Janaza Namaaz, Sajda-E-Tilaawat and for all other kinds of Namaaz.
  • One can also do Imamat with Tayammum, ie, can lead a prayer with tayammum.
  • Things on which tayammum is allowed need not be covered with dust.
  • If there is a stone, brick or clay pot, it can be used for tayammum even after it was washed clean and has no dust on it.
  • Tayammum is permissible if one is on the point of missing the Janaza-Namaaz or Eidain-Namaaz. There is no qaza for these two namaaz.
  • It will not be necessary to repeat the namaaz already performed should water be found after the namaaz.
  • The duration of tayammum, is as long as water is not available or the helplessness continues. This can last for years.

When does Tayammum break?

  • Things which break wuzu also break tayammum.
  • Tayammum for ghusl breaks only after Hadase-Akbar.
  • Tayammum done when water is not found, breaks when water is found.
  • Tayammum done due to a disease breaks when one is cured from that disease.

Disclaimer: This article is just a compilation from different resources, and not an original work. And may contain several spelling and grammatical mistakes, as it has not been reviewed. In case if you get to know of any discrepancy, please let me know through COMMENTing so that I can correct it. The effort here is made so as to help fellow Muslims to ignite an idea for self exploration of Islam.


Salat-Ul-Istikhara (Seek Goodness from Allah)

"Istikhara" means to seek goodness from Allah (Exalted is He), meaning when one intends to do an important task they do istikhara before the task, and to get a right solution and make a correct decision from multiple options. The one who does the istikhara is as if they request Allah Almighty that, O the Knower of Unseen (Exalted is He) guide me if this task is better for me or not? According to Bukhari, Volume 2, Book 21, Number 263:

Narrated Jabir bin 'Abdullah :The Prophet (Sallal Laho Alaihi Wasallam) used to teach us the way of doing Istikhara, in all matters as he taught us the Suras of the Quran. He said, "If anyone of you thinks of doing any job he should offer a two Rakat prayer other than the compulsory ones and say (after the prayer):

Transliteration: Allahuma inni astakhiruka bi'i3lmika, wa astaqdiruka biqudratika, wa as'aluka min fadhlika-l'a3zeem, fa innaka taqdiru wa la aqdiru, wa ta3lamu wa la a'a3lamu, wa anta a3laamu-l'ghuyub Allahumma in kumta ta3lamu anna hatha-l'amr (and here he mentions his need) khayru-lii fi diini wa ma3aashii wa a3aaqibati amrii faaqdirhu lii wa yassirha lii thumma baarik lii fihi wa in kunta ta3lamu ana hatha-l'amr (he mentions his need) sharru-lii fi diini wa a3aashii wa a3aaqibati amrii faasrifha a3nii wa asrifni a3nhu wa-qdir lii al-khayra haythu kaana thumma raddhinii bihi

TRANSLATION: "O Allah! I seek goodness from Your Knowledge and with Your Power (and Might) I seek strength, and I ask from You Your Great Blessings, because You have the Power and I do not have the power. You Know everything and I do not know, and You have knowledge of the unseen. Oh Allah! If in Your Knowledge this action ------------------------------------------------ (which I intend to do) is better for my religion and faith, for my life and end [death], for here [in this world] and the hereafter then make it destined for me and make it easy for me and then add blessings [baraka'] in it, for me. O Allah! In Your Knowledge if this action is bad for me, bad for my religion and faith, for my life and end [death], for here [in this world] and the hereafter then turn it away from me and turn me away from it and whatever is better for me, ordain [destine] that for me and then make me satisfied with it."

WAY TO PERFORM ISTIKHARA: First pray two cycles [rakath] of ritual (Nafeel) prayer (salat/ salaat/ salath/ salaath/ namaz/ namaaz) such that in the first raka' after Surah Fatiha (Allhamd…) recite Surah al-Kafirun (Chapter 109) and in the second raka' after Fatiha (Allhamd…) recite Surah al-Ikhlas (Chapter 112) and after finishing prayer [salam] then recite this (supplication/dua'): Dua in Arabic Text above.


Leather socks (khuffs) for easiness in wuzu


While doing wuzu, It's uneasy and embarassing to wash our feet in a toilet or in a wash-basin, especially being in office, where there is no provision to wash the feet. Moreover, it doesn't seem to be so easy and clean method to remove our socks in the toilet, then wash our feet, and then wear back our socks and shoes, and come out of the toilet.


To some extent, leather socks, called as khuff (pl. khuffain) in Arabic, can help us out.

Masah of khuffs:

After completing wuzu with water in a normal way, including washing of the feet with water, being in the state of wuzu wear the clean leather socks. So now on, only wiping (masah) these khuffs with a wet hand should be enough in wuzu, instead of washing complete feet. So, whenever we need to make our wuzu, just remove the shoes in the workplace, and walk till the wash-basin with the khuffs to the wash-basin. Then start normal wuzu, and when we need to wash the feet, just do masah of the feet, and the wuzu is valid now.

Another suggestion is that, if we have a problem in wearing shoes upon these khuffs, better use a half-shoe. Since many of us work in corporate offices, where we need to wear formal shoes, wearing a formal-type half-shoe, which is open from behind, should be a better preference, as this can be worn/unworn very easily.

Validity time of the khuffs on:

After wearing the khuffs for the first time after washing feet in wuzu, its validity starts. And when the wuzu breaks for the first time, the validity ends 1 day (24 hours) after that if at home. If on a journey, the validity is retained for 3 days (72 hours) after the wuzu has broken for the first time after wearing the khuffs. After the validity time has expired, again complete wuzu should be done by washing the feet, and then the khuffs have to be worn. And if the khuffs were removed within the validity time, then also the validity expires, and need the washing of feet in wuzu again.


Using wet hands, the wiping of the khuffs should start from the tips of the toes to upwards. Wiping on the khuffs is on their outside, in lines with the fingers, starting from the tips of the toes [and continuing] to the shin. Wiping should not be done for the sole/beneath the feet. Right khuff should be wiped with right hand, and vice-versa. The wiping should be done only with the fingers, not with the complete hand/palm.


The khuffs are available in most of the shops which sell exclusive leather goods like bags, jackets, purses, etc. for an amount of Rs.200/- to Rs.400/- in India (in year-2020).

Other Conditions:

There are different opinions regarding different aspects in this regard. Things like thickness and length of these socks, permissible materials, whether this can be done on shoes too, or on cotton/woolen/other socks, etc. So, please consider this text as a suggestion/experience, and not a Fatwa or a detailed explanation. Some scholars consider to use normal socks also for masah, but it's easy to use leather socks, as they don't get wet and we can walk with these leather socks in the wet area also without any problem. And if more information/clarification is required, please consult a good Islamic scholar.

And Allaah knows best!


Syed Iftheqar Hussain.